Leonardo Ferrari: first general manager of Wave&Co

Wave&Co is happy to announce the entry into the company of its first general manager, Leonardo Ferrari, described by its CEO Manuel Maccioni as
“A great professional who, thanks to his complementary skills, will increase and improve the growth that the Wave&Co group aims at”.
To let you know him better, we asked him 5 questions about his career path and the future of Wa-ve&Co.

What about your career path?
“After a degree in chemical engineering, I worked for multinational groups in roles of increasing responsibility in marketing and sales, strategy and operations abroad and in Italy, then earning a global executive MBA from Bocconi. Over the years I have also led reorganization and M&A projects. I spent 50% of my time working outside of Italy, both residing for years in various European countries, and remotely.
In the last period I have focused on sustainability, communication and compliance, finally landing at Wave&Co “.
What prompted you to join Wave&Co?
“I know Wave&Co through Manuel Maccioni, whom I have helped on some of the company’s needs.
After being “courted” on a professional level, I decided to accept his proposal because, right from the start, I recognized in Wave&Co dynamism, a great spirit of initiative and resilience that few companies have shown in the difficult pandemic and post-pandemic times.
Furthermore, I recognize an interesting potential in the LEDwall market which, I am convinced, with competence and structured work, will allow Wave&Co to continue to stand out and be the preferred choice of key customers. I finally decided to accept this new challenge and get fully involved”.
What do you think the opportunities for the LED screen industry are?
“I find the LED screen industry inherently of great potential. Since its origins, mankind has had the need to communicate and, over the course of history, the means with which it has done so have evolved: from graffiti on stone to the printed letter, up to LED screens and maxi screens.
History teaches us that visual communication is the basis of our lives, we are attracted to it since ever, and it is precisely on the seeing that we rest our imagination.
This is why I see LED screens and related services as a great opportunity that, with creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship, I will help develop in Wave&Co”.
Is there any goal you are aiming to as general manager?
“Nobody chooses their favourite team for the coach… I would like to achieve the successes, growth and goals that the company has set itself in a professional, welcoming environment that offers satisfaction for all employees. In general, what I aim at is to give a substantial contribution to the growth of Wave&Co, making sure that it is systematically capitalized and sustainable for the medium and long-term”.
Where do you see Wave&Co in 5 years?
“Wave&Co is already natively projected towards satisfying the needs of the most demanding customers, wherever they operate. A strength of the service that has allowed the company to express itself positively towards the challenges brought by the recent past, and which has ensured the acquisition of key customers. This is the result of years of work and of the quality that Wave&Co has been able and able to deliver.
We now need to capitalize on these skills and resume growth, improving and structuring the organization of the company. So, to answer your question, in 5 years I see Wave&Co with subsidiaries open in the most promising European markets and, why not, in North America”.
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